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This month, learn how a hug can better your well-being.

Do you want to know how long you will live for? The answer is in your urine test.

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This Month
The Healing Power of a Hug
Urine Test to Calculate How Long You'll Live

The Healing Power of a Hug


When was the last time you received a hug?

Can you remember how it made you feel?

Usually, unless a groping, somewhat-related 'Uncle' or 'Aunt' initiated the hug, the answer to this question is: 'good'.

Hugs make us feel good. But just how good? Well, research has revealed that hugging and touching can make us feel even better than we ever thought possible.

The benefits of a hug

The first study worth mentioning is from researchers at the University of Carolina. These researchers found that individual's that hugged their partner for a minimum of 20 seconds decreased the levels of cortisol appearing in their body. Cortisol is the stress hormone, and an abundance of this hormone has been linked to the development of several serious health conditions.

Next, the University of Carolina has revealed that while hugging, we release a hormone called oxytocin. This is the same hormone that women release during labor and breastfeeding and are responsible for feelings of love and care.

Other studies by the British Heart Foundation found that hugging can boost your heart health and reduce the impact of stress.

Another study by the Touch Research Institute, at the University of Miami, showed that the power of touch can decrease pain levels, boost the growth of premature babies, reduce glucose levels in diabetes patients (children), and mend the immune system of individual's suffering from cancer.

And if all of this amazes you, hold onto your horses because there is much, much more. Here are some of the other benefits of hugging:

  • Can boost wound healing
  • Aids in relaxation
  • Improves arthritis
  • Helps heal fractures
  • Reduces anxiety levels
  • Slows the development of cancer and depression
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Decreases heart rate

Hugging and emotional awareness

Pretty amazing, right? And according to researchers at DePauw University in Indiana, individuals are even able to communicate and decipher specific emotions, simply through touch alone.

The range of emotions confirmed included sympathy, anger, love, disgust, fear and gratitude.

And while the accuracy rates fluctuated between 48 and 83 percent, researchers believe this is confirmation that humans can communicate emotions via touch.

So, after reading all of the benefits of the healing power of hugging, we only have one question for you: who are you going to hug today?


Urine Test to Calculate How Long You'll Live

It seems that the crystal ball has just been replaced as a measure of predicting life expectancy. In its place falls an improbable candidate: urine.

At least this is the claim of a research study published in the National Kidney Foundation's American Journal of Kidney Disease. According to the study findings, researchers can now predict lifespan based solely off urine samples. And it's all due to one little factor: proteinuria.

How your protein levels can determine life span

Proteinuria is classified as a condition in which the individual has excess protein in their urine. Typically, this condition arises when kidney filters are damaged and proteins sneak through into the urine. In healthy people, the kidneys filters are able to prevent this leak and keep the protein for the body to use. In unhealthy people however, this method is damaged and proteinuria occurs.

This simple process is the underlying approach behind the study’s ability to predict life longevity. The study, which included over 810,000 adults between the ages of 30 and 85, collected urine samples and then tested for proteinuria.

Proteinuria decreases life expectancy

The results were astounding. Men that did not show any signs of proteinuria outlived those with proteinuria by 8.2 years. Women that did not show any signs of proteinuria outlived those with the condition by 10.5 years.

The lead author of the study, Dr. Tanvir Chowdhury Turin from the University of Calgary, believes that there is a strong correlation between severity of proteinuria and life span.

"There is a striking reduction in life expectancy associated with the severity of proteinuria," he says. "We already know that the severity of chronic kidney disease is associated with increased risk of adverse outcomes including mortality risk, but the effect of proteinuria on life expectancy has not been estimated before."

Who's at risk?

According to the researchers, individuals particularly at risk of proteinuria and kidney disease include those that are obese, smoke, and are from African-American or Asian American descent.

It's also recommended that if you have suffered from diabetes, particularly type 2, heart disease, high cholesterol or high blood pressure that you visit your medical practitioner for a urine test. Individuals that have a family history of kidney disease are also encouraged to partake in the test.

Some common symptoms of proteinuria include: swollen hands, face, feet or abdomen, back pain particularly in the lower ribs or near the kidneys, a painful burning sensation while urinating, urine that appears foamy, the appearance of blood in the urine, feeling tired, lethargic or nauseous, feeling short of breath and experiencing a loss of appetite.

Treating proteinuria

The good news is that by making some positive lifestyle changes you can decrease the risk of proteinuria.

Some easy guidelines include:

  • Following a healthy, well-rounded diet of lean meats and fish, fruit, vegetables, legumes and grains.
  • Partaking in at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily.
  • Reducing salt and fat intake.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Keeping stress levels low by practicing meditation, tai chi, and yoga.

And remember, if you have any concerns or experience any symptoms, make sure you visit your trusted medical practitioner.


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