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Learn why not to be quick on using antibiotics when getting a cold. Your heart's health is more important than getting rid of sniffles.

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Are Antibiotics Harmful to Your Heart?

Are Antibiotics Harmful to Your Heart?


Nowadays, it is entirely common to take antibiotics when you have a cold or some other bacterial infection. Without even thinking about it, people will take antibiotics to get rid of whatever ails them and be able to move on with life. It is rarely a thought that these antibiotics could be harmful in any way. However, a new study done by Pfizer shows that antibiotics, particularly the popular brand azithromycin (Zithromax, Zmax, Z-pack), can cause heart problems that could even lead to death.

What it Does

For some reason, these antibiotics cause odd arrhythmias in the heart, which results in the electrical system of the heart being compromised. Since the electrical system essentially runs the body, heartbeat, pulse, and so forth, any disturbance in the electrical composition or system can result in acute and very dangerous health complications. When an imbalance occurs, usually in the way of an arrhythmia, the heart has to figure out how to get the beat back on track. Many people have small palpitations from time to time that the heart has no trouble dealing with. However, a serious arrhythmia could cause the heart to become so out of synch that it can't get back into the rhythm it needs to be keeping. This can cause heart attacks and many other heart troubles.

Who is at Risk

If you already have a heart arrhythmia or anomaly, you should refrain from taking antibiotics . Since you are already at risk for an electrical imbalance in the heart, it is very likely that this antibiotic will affect you in a more dramatic way than others who have a normal heart rhythm. Also, the elderly are cautioned against taking antibiotics as their hearts are more susceptible to arrhythmia and other electrical issues. If you are on any heart medication, you should also be cautious taking antibiotics as there could be interactions you do not anticipate.

Ask Your Doctor

As with all medically oriented questions, you should always ask your doctor for guidance if you have concerns about taking a medication. However, if you only have a minor cold, it is not advisable to treat it with antibiotics unless a more serious illness is present or the risk of developing one is very likely.

Taking antibiotics, specifically azithromycin, can be harmful to your health according to the recent study linking the drug to abnormalities in heart function. By disrupting the electrical system of the heart, the drug increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia, and other complications that could lead to serious side effects or death. If you are elderly or already have heart issues, avoiding this antibiotic at all costs is the best method of ensuring that you do not experience serious consequences. However, speaking with your doctor will provide you with the most accurate advice based on your own unique medical history and needs.


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