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This year don't choose a resolution you might not even keep, choose a more realistic health resolution.

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Realistic Health Resolutions for a New Year (Or Any Time of the Year)
Exercise May be as Effective as Drugs in Treating Disease

Realistic Health Resolutions for a New Year (Or Any Time of the Year)


Everyone has made a resolution at one time in their life or another. Usually, with a new year, we come across the resolutions of losing weight or exercising more. While those are great resolutions, if you stick to them, why not make some health resolutions that don’t have to do with weight loss or becoming fit? Make health resolutions that you will actually stick to and are attainable.

Here are 8 health resolutions to keep now, based Dr. Cary A. Presant, author of Surviving American Medicine.

1. Find a doctor you love

Follow your gut feeling. If you feel like you can find a doctor who will take their time to explain your health better, go for it. It never hurts to get a second opinion and test the waters. You should feel like you’re in good hands, while also ensuring that you are being fully informed about your health.

2. Visit the doc once a year

You should be seeing your doctor once a year when you have a known illness, condition, or medical risks. Seeing your doctor lets you get medical advice that you can trust and advice that you should be following. Dr. Presant believes, that when it comes to any medical condition that you may have, you should “understand it, remember it, commit to it, and monitor yourself.” This means following through on the advice that your doctor provides you with.

3. Take your medicine

Outstandingly, a study shows that only 50% of those with a chronic condition actually take their medication. If you want less visits to the doctor, then you have to follow instructions from your doctor (like how and when to take your prescribed medications).

4. Get immunized

It’s better to be safe than sorry. This year’s flu strain alone has proved to be strong. But it’s not just the flu – you should ask your doctor what you may be at risk for and if there is an immunization available.

5. Know your vital health information

Take the time to find out which areas of your health might need some improving, or which areas you are doing good in by checking your blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), blood sugar, cholesterol, CRP, vitamin D, bone density, and markers of diseases you have.

6. Keep two medical emergency cards

In case of an emergency, especially for seniors, keep two medical emergency cards handy: one on your refrigerator and one in your wallet.

7. Screenings – do them this year

There are routine screenings that you need to consider getting done:

  • PAP Smear
  • Mammogram
  • PSA low dose chest CT scan (for smokers)
  • Bone density test
  • Colonoscopy
  • Carotid ultrasound

Screenings help you stay ahead of disease. If this could make a difference in being aware of all aspects of your health, why wouldn’t you consider it?

8. Keep a health diary

If you decide to make a change (good or bad) that can impact your health, note it down and monitor the changes that you notice. A diary can help you keep track of what you did or did not like about a change, or just help you remember what kind of changes or symptoms you noticed from making a change.

Make 2014 the year you decide to take control of your health.


Exercise May be as Effective as Drugs in Treating Disease


For years, those in the medical and fitness industry have been stressing the importance of exercise to your overall health. Studies have revealed a link between a healthy diet and exercise, to a lower risk of numerous illnesses and diseases. However, there has not been a study analysis done to see if exercise can actually be as effective as medication to treat diseases. A recent analytical review performed jointly by the Harvard School of Medicine, Stanford University, and the London School of Economics, set out to determine the effectiveness of exercise.

The Study

Researchers from these three top-rate universities performed a comprehensive review of 16 professional study analyses, including 305 separate clinical studies that involved 339,274 participants. The study focused directly on exploring if there was any correlation between exercise and the treatment of various diseases. The results were stunning and were reported recently in the British Medical Journal.

The results showed that exercise was proven to be equally as effective at treating coronary heart disease and prediabetes, as medications, including statin and beta-blockers. The study also revealed that exercise therapy was actually better at treating stroke patients than medications, including anticoagulants and antiplatelet. Study results did, however, conclude that diuretics and beta-blockers were able to treat heart failure more effectively than exercise alone.

The Future of Medicine

Unfortunately, the review’s results were not specific enough to provide any information on what type of exercise or how much exercise is needed to be effective. This study is certain to change the way some medical professionals start to look at the overall health benefits of regular exercise. Perhaps, this review will spur more testing to be done to allow both those in the medical field and patients dealing with these life-threatening diseases more concrete answers.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) is quick to point out that they have been stressing healthy living for decades. Their studies have suggests that if people would make healthy lifestyle changes, such a s limited alcohol consumption, quit smoking, regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet, the number of deaths associated to heart disease and stroke could be cut by 25 percent.


If you are currently taking medication for any of the diseases listed above, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, peridiabetes, or stroke, you should always talk to your doctor before beginning a new treatment plan. Until more research is completed, most professionals agree that patients should continue to take their standard medication and include a routine exercise program, as well. It really does not need to be one or the other, but treatment can include a combination.


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