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Effective treatments are available. People who do not have any symptoms or signs of babesiosis usually do not need to be treated. Before considering treatment, the first step is to make sure the diagnosis is correct. For more information, people should talk to their health care provider. More on: Resources for Health Professionals: Treatment


In symptomatic people, babesiosis usually is diagnosed by examining blood specimens under a microscope and seeing Babesia parasites inside red blood cells. To be sure the diagnosis is correct, your health care provider might have specimens of your blood tested by a specialized reference laboratory (such as at CDC or a health department). More on: […]


Many people who are infected with Babesia microti feel fine and do not have any symptoms. Some people develop nonspecific flu-like symptoms, such as fever, chills, sweats, headache, body aches, loss of appetite, nausea, or fatigue. Because Babesia parasites infect and destroy red blood cells, babesiosis can cause a special type of anemia called hemolytic […]

Data & Statistics

Annual Summaries Surveillance for Epidemiology & Risk Factors โ€“ United States, 2020 (February 6, 2023) Surveillance for Epidemiology & Risk Factors โ€“ United States, 2019 (August 12, 2021) Surveillance for Epidemiology & Risk Factors โ€“ United States, 2018 (April 22, 2019) Surveillance for Epidemiology & Risk Factors โ€“ United States, 2017 (June 27, 2019) Surveillance […]

Epidemiology & Risk Factors

People can get infected with Babesia parasites in several ways: The main way is through the bite of an infected tickโ€”during outdoor activities in areas where babesiosis is found (see below). A less common way is by getting a transfusion from a blood donor who has aย Babesiaย infection but does not have any symptoms. Rare cases […]

Down Syndrome

Facts about Down Syndrome What is Down Syndrome? Down syndrome is a condition in which a person has an extra chromosome. Chromosomes are small โ€œpackagesโ€ of genes in the body. They determine how a babyโ€™s body forms and functions as it grows during pregnancy and after birth. Typically, a baby is born with 46 chromosomes. […]

Dog Bites

Dogs Dogs can have many positive effects on the lives of their owners. They influence social, emotional, and cognitive development in children, promote an active lifestyle, provide companionship, and have even been able to detect oncoming epileptic seizures or the presence of certain cancers. Dogs can also help to relieve stress and anxiety in people. […]

Disaster Science Research

Disaster Science Responder Research Program NIOSH established the Disaster Science Responder Research (DSRR) Program to develop an approach that allows for timely and scalable responder-based research that can be implemented before, during, and after a public health emergency. The goal of the DSRR Program is to implement a framework that allows for occupational safety and […]

Disaster Science

Disaster Science Responder Research Program NIOSH established the Disaster Science Responder Research (DSRR) Program to develop an approach that allows for timely and scalable responder-based research that can be implemented before, during, and after a public health emergency. The goal of the DSRR Program is to implement a framework that allows for occupational safety and […]

Director, CDC

Director Mandy K. Cohen, MD, MPH,ย is the Director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. She is one of the nationโ€™s top health leaders with experience leading large and complex organizations, and a proven track-record protecting Americansโ€™ health and safety. Dr. […]