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5 Lies about ADHD

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects a person’s ability to focus. Sitting still and being able to pay attention in class comes naturally to most people, but for those with ADHD it is an ongoing struggle. These kids are the ones who are often caught off task and getting in trouble.  Below are 6 lies often told to about ADHD.

All kids diagnosed with ADHD are hyperactive – Although this is even indicated in the name of the condition, some kids with ADHD have the opposite of hyperactivity, but rather space out and seem unmotivated.  There are two types of ADHD: the hyperactive-impulsive type and the combined type. Both of these are accompanied by some hyperactive symptoms like fidgeting and interrupting, but only sometimes is the child ‘bouncing-off-the-walls’ hyperactive.

ADHD is caused by bad parenting – ADHD is not at all stimulated by faulty parenting. Although it is unknown exactly what causes ADHD it is definitely related to genetics. ADHD is usually found at about age 7 and brain images show that there is a noticeable difference between the brains of children with ADHD and those without.

Sugar consumption can cause ADHD – Eating sugar is not in any way linked to ADHD, or hyperactivity. In approximately 5 % of people with ADHD there has been a link to food additives, (including food coloring) and hyperactivity.

ADHD doesn’t actually exist – Some people think that ADHD is actually just a made up condition and such behavior as portrayed in those with ADHD is just boys, being the rambunctious trouble makers that all boys are. ADHD is a real condition which is not just ‘boys being boys’ but furthers this to the point that if affects a child’s ability to function socially, academically and at home.

My child is shy, he/she can’t have ADHD – Girls who have ADHD usually don’t pay attention but do not show any hyperactive or impulsive symptoms. As they become teenagers they may suffer from symptoms of anxiety or depression. Often girls will have social problems because of withdrawal and internalized emotions.

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

5 Lies about ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects a person’s ability to focus. Sitting still and paying attention comes naturally to most people.