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5 Ways to Reduce Stress

Try Writing – Write about everything you think is causing you stress. Write about all those little things that annoy you, agitate you. Write about something that happened that made you angry, or sad. Write about something that you find pleasure in, maybe a short story with a cliché happy ending. Just write for the sake of writing, it might take your mind off the thing(s) that make you stressed out.

Talk It Out – Find someone you know you can trust and who is a good listener who won’t judge you. Then let it all out. Talk about that thing at work that you find frustrating, like that paper that your boss just won’t accept. Talk about something that made you sad, cry if you have to. Get angry if you must, just don’t keep all the emotion bottled inside you, it has a way of just erupting at the most inopportune moments.

Exercise – Getting regular exercise is one of, if not the best way to relieve stress. It allows you to have a physical outlet for all that stress that’s been bringing you down. Stretching will help with muscle tension and many people find stretching relaxing. Why not work on some deep breathing at the same time to help you relax.

Eat Some Chocolate – Chocolate makes you happy and when you are stressed out being happy is the one thing in the world you need. Not only will chocolate lighten your mood, it tastes really good too.

Listen To Music – Music is such a powerful tool. There is a lot of music that will help you calm down and relax. Even though it might not be your preferred type of music try listening to something slower or more mellow. Although it is a little bit weird it does work. I personally am a rock and metal music fan. However, sometimes it’s good to listen to something a bit slower. Even if you’re not into going to something like the sound of ocean waves you can still go more for a soft rock song. Maybe one of the slower songs from the groups “Muse,” or “Red Hot Chili Peppers.”, a Canadian Internet-based pharmacy intermediary (license #BC X23), offers low cost, long-term prescription drugs. A professionally registered pharmacist fills all Canadian prescriptions. A certified member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association, is ranked as one of the best Canadian pharmacies online.

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5 Ways to Reduce Stress

Try Writing – Write about everything you think is causing you stress. Write about all those little things that annoy you, agitate you. Write about something that happened that made you angry, or sad. Write about something that you find pleasure in, maybe a short story with a cliché happy ending. Just write for the […]