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Fish Oil Health Benefits Revealed

A recent study has discovered the reason why fish oil is so beneficial to our human bodies. Researchers have concluded that the omega-3 fatty acids, which the body absorbs from oily fish, protect what is essentially a ‘cap’ on each cell that determines how long that cell will live. When a regular cell in the human body divides, this ‘cap’ splits, and becomes shorter, causing the cell to die sooner. In this study, cells were shown to have lived longer when exposed to the omega-3 fatty acids, as the ‘shortening’ effects on the ‘caps’ diminished. When given a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids, the tested rats demonstrated that they live around a third longer than normal.

In addition to this new life-lengthening information, the Omega-3 in fish oil has several other health benefits that you should be aware of:

  • Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease – Omega-3 is extremely beneficial to your cardiovascular health, and has been proven to lower cholesterol, reduce risk of heart arrhythmias, effectively treat strokes, and avoid cardiac arrests.
  • Increase Weight Loss – An Australian study demonstrates that the consumption of fish oil improves the efficiency of exercise, and increases weight loss.
  • Improve Immunity – The Omega-3 fatty acids within fish oil have been shown to positively influence the immune system.
  • Inflammation Ease – Fish oil has been used in treatments of several conditions, which induce inflammation, including Crohn’s Disease and other gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Depression – Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to even reduce symptoms associated with depression, including sadness, anxiety, restlessness, mental fatigue and stress. Those who consume fish oil on a regular basis are proven to have a lower incidence of depression.

Doctors recommend that you eat at least two servings of oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines per week, so as to receive all of the benefits listed above. If you find that you are not able to introduce fish into your regular diet, fish oil supplements are an option as well., a Canadian Internet-based pharmacy intermediary (license #BC X23), offers low cost, long-term prescription drugs. A professionally registered pharmacist fills all Canadian prescriptions. A certified member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association, is ranked as one of the best Canadian pharmacies online by . For more information on how to order your drugs from Canada safely and securely call 1-866-444-6376 or visit– a trusted and reliable Canadian online pharmacy since 2002.

Fish Oil Health Benefits Revealed

A recent study has discovered the reason why fish oil is so beneficial to our human bodies. Researchers have concluded that the omega-3 fatty acids, which the body absorbs from oily fish, protect what is essentially a ‘cap’ on each cell that determines how long that cell will live. When a regular cell in the […]