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Smoking Harmful For Your Pets

Yup, that’s right your pets suffer too. Smoking is not only harmful to people, but dangerous for poor little Buster, or whatever your pets name is. Secondhand smoke is known to be very dangerous to just about everyone, but many people don’t look at what it is doing to your animals.

Roughly 30 percent of pet owners live with at least one smoker. That translates into a lot of bad news for the animals. Every year an estimate 50,000 Americans die from secondhand smoke, and roughly 16 percent of American youth are exposed to secondhand smoke. Now imagine what will happen to the 30 percent of animals that have to deal with exposure to secondhand smoke.

Well, a number of studies have indicated some of the risks animals face from exposure to secondhand smoke. These animals may face respiratory problems, allergies, nasal and lung cancers in dogs, and lymphoma in cats.

Smoking is toxic and there really isn’t much else that can be said that hasn’t already been said. You should know the risks by now and if you value your bad habit over your health, everyone around you, and your animals, then go ahead keep smoking. However, if you ever need another reason to quit think about what you could be doing to those around you including your pets., a Canadian Internet-based pharmacy intermediary (license #BC X23), offers low cost, long-term prescription drugs. A professionally registered pharmacist fills all Canadian prescriptions. A certified member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association, is ranked as one of the best Canadian pharmacies online by . For more information on how to order your drugs from Canada safely and securely call 1-866-444-6376 or visit– a trusted and reliable Canadian online pharmacy since 2002.Read more: “CanDrugStore” –;