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Ways To Cool Down Without Air Conditioning

The summer certainly has kicked into full gear with the heat reaching almost unbearable heights. For many of us there is no air conditioning installed in our houses or apartments, or not any proper A/C at least. However, there is some good news for those that don’t have air conditioning. There are still ways to cool down during these long, dry, hot summer days.

Water, Water, Water. Use it- Soak a t-shirt that you have then wring it out. Go outside and sit in a chair, preferably one that is like a lawn chair and will allow air to pass through it. This will help cool you down. However, use lukewarm water because it may become too cold if freezing water is used.

Water, Water, Water. Drink it!- When it gets hot we need water to keep our bodies hydrated. Also a cool glass of water will help you cool down.

Ice, Ice, Baby- There are two things that I like to do that involve ice. The first is to grab an ice cube or two and hold it to my wrists and neck, where you can feel a pulse, and this normally cools me down pretty fast. The second thing I like to do is to freeze 2 or 3 jugs of water. Then place a towel or something that will catch water under them. Position a fan behind the now frozen jugs and just let the fan blow air at you. I call this the poor-mans air conditioning. The fan blows air while the ice jugs cool the air.

Sweat baby, sweat- Sweating actually cools you off by taking some of the heat away with the water vapor. However, I would only recommend when you are at home, not very many people enjoy being near someone who is really sweaty and smells like BO, especially at work.

Dress appropriately- This is one of those obvious things that almost every does anyway. If you’re going out try to wear light colored shorts and a t-shirt. If you’re alone at home, go commando. Being naked is an excellent way to cool off, and it’s also extremely comfortable. However, if you live with other people, wearing your underwear (ie- boxers) is an alternative., a Canadian Internet-based pharmacy intermediary (license #BC X23), offers low cost, long-term prescription drugs. A professionally registered pharmacist fills all Canadian prescriptions. A certified member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association, is ranked as one of the best Canadian pharmacies online.

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