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Swimming Pool Safety: How Clean Is Your Water?

Swimming Pool safety

How safe is the water in pools? While many people know that they need to keep an eye out for sharks and other creatures in the ocean, most people do not realize that public pools are just as, if not more so, dangerous. By understanding more about the issue, you can determine whether or not you want to swim in public pools.

While most cities have cleaning procedures, they may not be enough to keep the pool water free from bacteria, like Ecoli and more. These bacteria, along with viruses and other germs, can be in the water from blood, mucus, saliva, skin, and fecal matter. This means that often their visual checks will be unable to tell if the pool water is contaminated. These germs may not even be put into the water by bathers. Birds and rodents can contaminate a pool as well.

Cleaning and testing should be done on a regular basis to keep the pools as safe as possible. If you do not see this testing being done every few hours, then you will probably want to swim somewhere else, as this can be a sign that they are not taking your health seriously. Depending upon where you live, there may be different guidelines, but if you are at the pool for any length of time, you should see this testing being carried out.

This is an infrequent problem, but it is one that people need to know about. If you notice any symptoms, such as bloody diarrhea, vomiting, or fever, you will want to get medical attention as soon as possible. There is no way to completely prevent your chance of coming into contact with these viruses and bacteria, but you do want to be aware of the symptoms and the risk to you and your family.

Swimming Pool safety

Swimming Pool Safety: How Clean Is Your Water?

How safe is the water in pools? While many people know that they need to keep an eye out for sharks and other creatures in the ocean, most people do not realize that public pools are just as, if not more so, dangerous. By understanding more about the issue, you can determine whether or not […]